I am caving to the pressure to share this Shrimp Mozambique recipe (you know who you are). However, before I give you the recipe I have been obsessed with for 10 years, I will make you ‘listen’ to this story I call ‘Never enough Napkins’
My husband is Portuguese. As in, came over from Portugal with his parents when he was 5 years old. Now, when you eat at his parents house, you eat as if you are training to become a professional eater. I am certain that even if I had never given birth that I would have this additional 15 pounds on my frame simply from not wanting to break his mom’s heart when we eat there.
What do I mean by that? I mean, if you don’t clear your plate twice, you are in danger of hurting her feelings. So, the first time I met his parents, his mom went all out by making a huge roasted chicken, octopus, a huge salad, boiled potatoes, friend potatoes, kale soup, bacalhau, olives and shrimp Mozambique. I filled my plate and went in for the kill.
Then it happened, I had one shrimp from the bowl of heaven and I was sold. It was so fragrant, vibrant and yes a bit messy (his mom serves with shell on so you need to peel). Soon after eating the first serving, I used the one napkin that was next to my plate. I asked my boyfriend to ask his mom for more (that’s correct folks, she only speaks portuguese) napkins. She jumped up and brought over a pile of 20 napkins. The men in the family starting laughing.
His mom was on the verge of tears that some skinny fair-skinned woman was prepping for the second serving and needed to prepare with toweling. We instantly bonded. Ten minutes later I begged my boyfriend to ask her to stop putting more food on my plate.
p.s. This is not a reduced fat recipe. I may develop one. Maybe some day.
1 medium or 1/2 a large sweet onion, finely chopped
4 large cloves of garlic, minced
3 Tablespoons fresh parsley, finely chopped
2 packets of Goya Azafran
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 stick of unsalted butter
1 can of light beer
1 pound of 31-40 shrimp; raw, peeled and cleaned or leave peeled
salt and ground pepper to taste
1-2 teaspoons dried or wet red pepper, optional
Cooked brown rice
1. Prepare the onion and place in a small bowl. Prepare the garlic, parsley, azafran (and red pepper if you want some more ‘heat’) and place all in a separate small bowl and set aside.
2. Melt the butter and oil over medium to medium-high heat in a large pan or wok. Add the onion and cook for 4-5 minutes. Lower the heat to medium and add the ingredients from the second small bowl and cook for 3 minutes.
3. If you wish to remove the shell from the shrimp.
4. Pour the beer into the pan, cover and cook for 4-5 minutes. Add the shrimp, cover and cook for 3 minutes, flip them over/stir and cook another 3 minutes. Pour the contents into a bowl so that you do not overcook the shrimp. Taste and season if necessary.
5. Serve over rice.
Want more? How about a Shrimp Mozambique Po’ Boy!
Amanda says
I could swear that I myself was writing this same story. It made me laugh while reading! This is the exact same recipe I have used for 12 years! There is no words to describe how good this is!!! My daughter (who is now 7 years old) has elected this as her “favorite thing to eat ever” from the time she could actually eat “real food” she says. Everytime I ask her what she wants for dinner she replies “Mozambique”! She have this everyday if I allowed her! And the part about the napkins is the best, as I keep the shell on and you peel before you eat (I was taught by my husband’s family or our family; I should say. that keping the shell on allows the shrimp to “take in the flavor”. Thank you for sharing your story. I was certain (as a fair skinned American girl) that I was the only one to master such recipes as this one. I’m sure that there are many more that we could share. Absolutely delicious! Kudos!!
Brittany says
Thank you so much for this recipe! Born and raised in Portuguese -heavy southeastern Massachusetts, I’ve grown up on malasadas, chourico, cacoila and Shrimp Mozambique. My mother’s recipe turns out a little different each time she makes it because she refuses to adhere to measurements, so it’s nice to find one with similar AND consistent flavors. I’ve now made this several times (both shrimp and chicken) with 6+ cloves of garlic (because there’s never enough) to very positive response!
Sarah says
I just made this for dinner and it’s amazing! I know exactly what you mean by that story! I dated a Portuguese guy for a while, and every time I ate with his family, his mother and father (and sometimes his grandparents!) would tell me I hadn’t eaten enough after 2 heaping plates AND salad AND bread! “You’re small, you need to eat up!” was their favorite phrase when I was around.
Thank you so much for sharing this delicious recipe 🙂
Krista says
I too am portuguese and this story is sooo true. I like it best with chicken instead of the shrim and the fried potado slices to dip with.
Miria says
I wish my husband wasn’t allergic to shrimp! We would be eating this today! I will have to wait for a girls night. 🙁
Shannon says
I am just finding your recipe and story. I too am Portuguese and laughed out loud as I read because it’s so true. My Irish BF wants to cook me dinner so what better meal than this. I haven’t had it in years and can’t wait! YUM
Aimee St.Germain says
So glad to have come across this recipe. Not long ago, I moved away from Newark, NJ. I lived in “the Ironbound” – a predominately Spanish and Portuguese neighborhood with fantastic and authentic restaurants. (I also had the most sweet and wonderful Portuguese neighbors, who I miss dearly.) One of my favorite dishes was shrimp Mozambique – only the restaurant used very large prawns instead of the smaller shrimp most Americans are familiar with… I look forward to trying this recipe very soon! I am sure it will bring back many fond memories. 🙂
Jennifer says
Thanks Cecelia, happy to help. I am making it tonight for friends still without power from Sandy
Cecelia Weeks says
I have been looking for a shrimp Mozambique recipe for a looong time and, thanks to you, tonight I was a hero! My son just LOVED this. It will definitely be going into the “make often” file! Thanks again! And I will have to check out more of your site!
Cecelia Weeks says
Thanks to you tonight I was a hero! My son loved this recipe!
Jason Machado says
I myself am portuguese and my girlfriend is italian I love my heritage the food has a lot to do with that i prefer portuguese over italian but needles to say we eat like kings and queens i so have the best of both worlds lol she also fell in love with this the moment she tried it i absolutely love shrimp mozambique with rice I also think it’s amazing with chunks of chicken breast and round fried potatoe slices with fresh bread for dipping I find myself at times wanting to just drink that sauce but I’m in fear of having a heart attack this is a great recipe thank you for sharing and god bless ur mother inlaw
Jennifer says
Hi Tom – thank you so much for your flattering comment and for trying the recipe. I love when people share what they did with it and how it came out. Regards, Jennifer
Tom says
I just had shrimp mozambique at a friends house just the other night and wanted to re-create it for myself. I found and used this recipe and it came out absolutely awesome !!!…even better than what i had at my friends. The only adjustment i made to this recipe was substituting 16-20 ct shrimp as i like a larger size shrimp personally and i added two more tablespoons of butter right at the very end off the heat for added richnes. I also added just a tablespoon or so of fresh squeezed lemon as well. Definetly going to be doing this one often !!
Lori says
Great story, I also have a fiance’ who came here from Portugal when he was 5 and I love this shrimp! Yes, it is messy but so tasty. I understand the dinners his mom would serve this shrimp as an appetizer along with Kale soup. Next is the breads, (small salads) pork and chicken, boiled potatoes and fries and chourico, the baccula (sp), breaded greenbeans (from the garden) and then the desserts…to much to list. Thanks for sharing 🙂 oh yeah and the homemade wine!
Sheri says
Jennifer thank you SO MUCH for sharing this. It certainly looks AM-MAAAAA-ZING!! and I am sure it tastes even better. I’m going to have to make this for my dad. My grandfather was off the boat but my grandmother was Norwegian and a horrible cook. When dad is in the mood for Portuguese cusine he heads out to a restaurant. I would LOVE to make this for him.
Tanna says
This is one of my favorite dishes Jennifer-thanks for sharing your version! My family is Cape Verdean from New Bedford, MA.-we often eat Portuguese food. The meal you had at your mother-in-law home is what I always have at Antonio’s Portuguese restaurant-their food is delishes! Thanks again for sharing!
Sicilia Alfonso says
This was so AWESOME! My husband loved it so much, he complimented me on it 3-5 times. I always take the tail off too. Thank you
Carrie says
Oh you saucy vixen! This looks INSANE!
Jennifer says
Sue, that sounds amazingly amazing – will try. Thank you for sharing
Sue says
This recipe is close to how I make it – but I marinate the shrimp in the olive oil, beer, garlic and hot crushed Portuguese pepper and leave it overnight or at least 8 hours. I use a cast iron skillet, heat it up with some butter, cook the shrimp (after draining with a slotted spoon) and sear them in the pan. I do this in batches, transferring to a bowl as I cook them (cook only one layer at a time, don’t pile on too many shrimp or they won’t sear). When I’m done cooking, I pour the marinade in the hot skillet, boil it up, scraping the tasty bits from the bottom, and cooking off the alcohol and liquid from the beer. Pour the whole thing over the shrimp, and mmmmm….tasty.
Gil Sequira says
I have a recipe for shrimp Mozambique on my website ,but this one sounds fantastic. I will try it soon.
Felicia says
Hi Jen! Thank you for sharing this recipe! It was so delicious- I will be making it for my family this weekend!
Family Foodie says
I will be trying this recipe!
Jennifer says
Hi Dianna, you should be able to find it in the spanish/international section of your local grocery store
Noon says
This turned out great. I made my own Goya Azafran – teaspoon cumin, teaspoon granulated garlic, teaspoon tumeric, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne, small pinch of saffron.
Mary @ Delightful Bitefuls says
This sounds wonderful! Loving all the ingredients!
New to your blog; happy I found you!
Mary xo
Delightful Bitefuls
Chrystani says
I wasn’t going to make dinner tonight until I seen this recipe…
My stomache is growling at my desk. Thanks <3
Norwegian Phoenix says
This sounds completely amazing. I’m so glad I found this while looking for something to cook for dinner. Yum! I can’t wait!
Have a great day!
Adelaide@Norwegian Phoenix
Jennifer says
Hello Charissa and welcome. I am all giddy that you stopped by and left a comment – thank you so much!
Charissa says
I’ve never been to your blog before, it’s beautiful!
This soup looks so great…right now it’s raining where I live, so this looks rawwwwther a appealing! Thanks for sharing
Medifast Coupons says
What a great sounding mozambique!!! My best friend as a child was fresh from Portugal when we were about 8 or 9 and we became fast friends even though she didn’t speak a lick of english. And oh boy could her mom cook, wow! Lots of meals growing up together and of course she learnt the english language in record time, her mom to this day still doesn’t, I think she does and chooses not too. She can eavesdrop and everyone says oh it is okay she doesn’t speak english, smart lady and one heck of a cook.
Here I am going down memory road, thanks so much for your recipe to try, and I can’t wait to impress with it.
Dianna says
Where would one find Goya Azafran? I am in California.
Jennifer says
Amazing with rice and to be honest, I often don’t finish the rice as I am full from eating the fresh bread that soaked up the juice. Slurp!
Bianca @ Confessions of a delicious. Chocoholic says
This sounds absolutely delicious. Shrimp stands up really well to spicy sauces and I can imagine this going perfectly with rice!
Jaime {sophistimom} says
Wow, Jennifer, that looks absolutely delicious. I will have to try it. Soon.
Sommer@ASpicyPerspective says
Beer and shrimp are always a good idea! 🙂
Shaina says
I absolutely adore this story and the recipe. I can’t wait to try it.
Alison @ Ingredients, Inc. says
This sounds and looks amazing
Aggie says
Love love love the story. So cute. My best friend growing up was Portuguese and we are Italian so I am very aware of the eating situation you are speaking of. My grandpa is the same way…he is thrilled when we eat it all up, twice…especially the kids.
This dish sounds so heavenly delicious. I love shrimp…and that broth I so wish I could stick a spoon or a big piece of bread in.
Nicole Feliciano says
Super Yum! Thank you for opening the vault and sharing.
Carolyn says
Okay, this is my kind of recipe. I am making this one for sure!
Barbara @ Modern Comfort Food says
Oh boy! You’ve hit my sweet spot with this delectable recipe. I’ve spent most of the past 18 years living and working in South Africa, where my green grocer, regular grocer, butcher, favorite restaurants, and many of my friends were Mozambican. And I both grew up on and now live on the FL Gulf coast where perfect (and cheap) wild-caught shrimps are always easy to get. Looks wonderful and exactly what I want to make tomorrow.
Heather at FarmgirlGourmet says
Oh my deliciousness! Yum!! Thanks for sharing. Great photographs as well!!
merry jennifer says
I think you just gave me dinner inspiration for this weekend. What a luscious-sounding recipe! Thanks so much for sharing it. 🙂
Lori @ RecipeGirl says
SOOOOO yummy. Will we be eating this good at camp? 😉