Believe it or not, we have friends that still do not have power in Rhode Island and bordering CT due to Superstorm Sandy. Therefore, we are doing our best to let them know they are welcome to bring their laundry over for cleaning as well as their hungry bellies for stuffing. Seeing that we want…
Sharing & Caring over Fat Spaghetti with Bacon and Artichokes
A Day In The Life: Living Through Superstorm Hurricane Sandy Part 2
We had quite the restless late Tuesday afternoon but by early evening, we were able to head out and drive up the road to a friends house, to grill and share a meal together. I could not sleep again but welcomed the bright lights that appeared at 4 a.m. Wednesday when the power was restored….
A Day In The Life: Living Through Superstorm Hurricane Sandy Part 1
Luckily, I began preparing for Hurricane Sandy last Friday. My parents came down to visit so I was busy stocking up on water, batteries and non-perishables while they played with the kids & before the public rush for supplies began. I was in nesting mode and the house was getting a good clean-up as I expected…
Hurricane Sandy Pumpkin Sweet Potato Muffins
Storm Sandy is in full force here in Rhode Island (well, not really as I write this on Sunday afternoon) and I am trying to use up some perishable foods yet make foods would last for a few days or be frozen and then consumed. For this recipe, I used a lonely small sweet potato…
Everything but The Kitchen Sink Vegan Vegetable Soup
Yup, we are chatting Hurricane Sandy aka FrankenStorm Sandy aka Super Storm Sandy today because this is another recipe I made on Sunday while cleaning out the fridge. I used up all the bits and pieces that would probably go bad or not seem as appealing while hanging out with kids. These include, some unused…
Pumpkin Pie Spice Baked Wonton Chips
It may not be the first time I have used Wonton wraps to make chips and it certainly will not be the last. We are in the middle of using up perishables in the fridge before Superstorm Sandy arrives. Our plan is to turn the perishables into non-perishables or items we can freeze and then…
A Day In The Life: Hurricane Sandy Preparations & Early Trick-or-Treating
The patio is cleared & the basement is picked up. The freezer has been cleaned and re-packed with homemade bags of ice….. All the laundry was done while food was cooking & perishable food was made more storm friendly….I used up pumpkin puree and a half a sweet potato in muffins and then I made…
A Day In The Life: The Rhody Fresh ButterKase Cheese Tour
Last week, we squeezed in a date night prior to spending two days at both Yale & Massachusetts General (I still need to share an update on that front) and our first stop was The Malted Barley in Westerly, Rhode Island. Besides loving the pretzels and beer at the malted barley, we were invited to…
Happy Pumpkin Day: Pumpkin Spice Whipped Cream Cheese
Before I head out for a busy busy day on the medical front, I made myself a crispy whole wheat bagel topped with some of this cream cheese. Plus, I had to make something special for Pumpkin Day you know. You may think you have seen just about every type of pumpkin recipe the past…