In case you have been hiding under a rock, you know full well that this blog and my food of choice is cheese. I have shared my childhood meal staple ‘Spaghetti & Cheese’ before and you have probably noticed that there is a minimum of two recipes per week that involve some sort of cheese….
Savory Cornbread with Herbs & Parmesan Cheese Recipe
A Day In The Life: Seeds, Sore Arm and Hansen’s Soda
This week I have been trying to get back to a regular dedicated fitness routine. Lucky for me (sarcasm), my left arm is now giving me a good deal of pain so it has been hard to ignore. I have been sticking to the bike and doing the upper body exercises that PT prescribed. The…
Peanut Butter & Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Recipe for National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day
Well well, what do we have here? It is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day and so I give you a new recipe and a collection of favorites. Go ahead and indulge! Need more PB to complete your day? Make up this Peanut Butter Sweet Potato Soup Recipe in your slow cooker for dinner. For dessert,…
Warm Roasted Potatoes with Lemon Mustard & Herb Vinaigrette
Potatoes are popular. I say this knowing they are popular around the world, with my kids, with most families and on my Pinterest page. Therefore, I decided to give you another potato recipe to add to your repertoire. You will love it (and me) because it is another inexpensive, super easy, make from your pantry…
Slow Cooker Creamy Fettuccine Mac & Cheese with Bacon and Mushrooms
I withheld information from you. Last week when I shared the Slow Cooker Creamy Fettuccine Mac & Cheese recipe, I failed to tell you that I also made a variation that included turkey bacon and mushroom. I did this because I only had four pieces of bacon and did not want to spread it too thin….
Super Fast & On The Go Oatmeal with Almonds & Fruit (A Low Sugar Breakfast or Snack!)
We all like flexibility when we can get it right? right, so today I share a flexible super duper, fast, easy, low sugar, no sugar added oatmeal breakfast or snack recipe. Start with a no sugar added oatmeal. You want crunch? add almonds. They can be whole, sliced, salted, raw or roasted. Toss in some…
Slow Cooker Balsamic Maple Syrup Pork Tenderloin Recipe
Welcome to the final installment of Slow Cooker Week. I wanted to share this with you on Sunday but the technology Gods denied me such a pleasure. I hope you find this worth the wait. I would have taken a photo of some juicy slices of the tenderloin however, it was so tender, it just…
A Day In The Life: Tattoos, Shots and Trim
Phew, the site is back up and running. Did you notice I was missing? Now that the site is back, I have some items to share. First up, a quick summary of the past few days and then I will share the final slow cooker recipe in a separate post. Last week I received some…
Slow Cooker Creamy Fettuccine Mac & Cheese
Do you know the name Avery is a good topic for a 7 and 8 year old, especially when they are in the mood for rhyming. On the way home from school Wednesday, the kids began talking about a sweet baby girl we know named Avery: “What rhymes with Avery?” “What other words sound like…