Daughter at Gymnastics. Check. Mental list of groceries. Check. Son snapped into cart. Check. Ok, off to the orange juice section. I am there….but where? Where? WHERE is the Tropicana, pulp-free, family sized jug?! Look again Jen. Calmly. Any standard sized cartons? Nope, I just see a ton of some new generic company. Did Stop…
Where oh where did my Tropicana go?
What is Agave Nectar and why do I care?
For the past year, I have heard some rumblings here and there about Agave Nectar, especially surrounding gluten-free and ‘health’ food worlds. Well, a few weeks ago, I spotted a bottle of the stuff and carried it home, admiring it as if it were an Emmy statue. I now know that it is just as…
Bob Greene’s Best Life Diet Menu
I am not sure if any of you really subscribe to all things Oprah but Bob Greene is sharing some recipes from his BestLife program that you may appreciate so here is a link.
Sending you love
Ben and I are sending you some love for the long weekend. Give hugs to everyone that your care about-really, get to it.
Martha’s Red-Leaf Salad with Roasted Sweet Potatoes
This month’s Everyday Food featured a recipe that immediately caught my eye when I went through their index (one of the first things I do). Man oh man, Red-Leaf Salad with Roasted Sweet Potatoes! I am always looking for ways to be creative with sweet potatoes. So, since the kids were playing so nicely with…
Wall Candy
Am I the only one that has cabin fever and wants to start redecorating? My daughter is almost 5 and is letting me know her design desires each day. My son is almost 3 and needs to move out of baby into full toddler room and these fantastic removable wall stickies are giving me some…
Shallot and Parsley Sugar Snap Peas
My children love to eat sugar snap peas raw (1. they make a loud crunch when you bite them 2. the peas can be catapulted out of them with the correct angle of squeezing. 3. They are sweet hence, popular) but sometimes we like to change it up at dinner so I came up with…
Book Report about Book Report
A post by one of my regular reads, EmilyStyle, was about the book ‘Tender at the Bone’. She stated that “It’s a vivid read about food critic Ruth Reichl’s childhood and love affair with cooking.” so I was instantly intrigued and requested it from my public library. I then read some of her reader comments…
Nie Nie is coming back!
The wait is almost over! Nie will be back to blogging tomorrow, Friday 16th. If you do not know about Nie, read this and more on her blog and you see why to be excited about her return.