Tastemaker Challenge Box – Contents Revealed
Virtual Book Club Menu – MomTV featuring Author Eileen Goudge
Tonight I get to participate in a Virtual Book Club & Moms Night Out with NY Times best-selling author Eileen Goudge! When the One to One Network and Mom It Forward asked me if I wanted to participate I was exicted for three reasons: 1. Craving a ‘girl’s night’ with my friend and that helps…
Organic Grass Fed NY Strip Steak & Organic Chicken Breast Salad featuring POM Juice
I feel it is a great opportunity when you are making your meal, recipe, snack, baked good, etc. to try to up the nutritional value. With that said, we love drinking POM in its’ raw state right out the bottle (try to grab it away from my son) so when POM wrote me asking if…
Earth’s Best Most Memorable Feeding Contest – A New Entrant
The contest ends November 30th so be sure to enter and tell all your friends & family. Contest Summary: *Children 2 and under *25 Winners will receive a FREE month of Earth’s Best food, diapers and wipes. * The child could be the new face of Generation Pure *Submit your 30-60 second video to Earth’s…
Drop In & Decorate
Many of you may have noticed the cute ‘Drop In & Decorate’ button over on the left hand column of this blog and I thought this would be a great time to tell you more about it. I met food writer Lydia Walshin of The Perfect Pantry back in July at BlogHer and let me…
EOS Smooth Sphere
I must share this fabulous product that I have been using since late July. It is called EOS Smooth Sphere. This fabulous little ball of balm was in one of swag bags a Blogher and I waited a few days to try it. Why? Well, let me tell you. I have always been a ‘must…
Herb Stuffed Pork Loin
Just before drifting off to sleep Sunday night, I was flipping through some tasty magazines and found a recipe that got me salivating from Clean Eating. The recipe is ‘Herb-Stuffed Pork Tenderloin’ so I went about creating my on version. 12-16 oz pork tenderloin, trimmed 2 tsp olive oil 1 clove garlic 2 cups baby…
EatingWell Wednesday – Apple Cupcakes
There are times where you want or need to make a little dessert or ‘treat’ so why not take the opportunity to up the nutritional value? I found this tasty apple cupcake recipe on EatingWell. Now, I actually changed it a bit but I am certain in it’s original state, it is fabulous as well….
HALO SleepSack Swaddle Giveaway
Naturally as new parents, we were overwhelmed with all the products you are told you do need, must have, must buy, do not bother with etc. but so many of my mommy friends swore that I would love and need the SleepSack™ . It an important product to have as it replaces a blanket in…