Last time I posted about Acute Myeloid Leukemia, I shared about being in the hospital on Thanksgiving. I also posted a TV spot about the process of donating stem cells or bone marrow, and the donor registry. Since it’s been a while, I want to start catching you up.
I returned home a few days prior to Christmas. I then had to begin preparing for my stem cell transplant. The initial plan was for me to do all my comprehensive testing on January 4th, begin some medications, and enter the hospital on January 25th. On January 3rd, I received a call saying that Donor #1 would not be able to donate, but for me to still do all the testing the next day.
On January 23rd, I received a call that donor #2 was deemed medially unfit. I was scared, but the transplant coordinator told me they had already reached out to Donor #3 (Can you believe I was lucky enough to have three donors that are 10 out of 10 tissue type match, and the same blood type?!)
My hospital admission date was moved to February 9th (the day of my son’s 13th Birthday). Once again, I began taking new medications, and stopping the maintenance chemotherapy. I then received a call on February 7th stating that Donor #3 was medially unfit. I was dumbfounded and in shock that this was happening again. However, the transplant coordinator quickly reassured me that everything was alright because they had reached out to Donor #1, and he consented to be my donor.!

I also had to undergo anther biopsy to make sure that there was no active Leukemia. I had to then not constantly worry that something would be wrong with Donor #1’s health. I had faith. We then received a call saying all a ‘Go’ with Donor #1, but I ended up having a cold and we had to wait an extra week for me to undergo the stem cell transplant.
Do you see why, my friends, why I feel it is critical that every person has a handful of matches in the donor registry?! Things happen in donor lives that may make them unable, or unwilling, to donate. The recipient may then not have a chance at living a longer, healthy life. Please consider registering to be a stem cell/bone marrow donor: https://join.bethematch.org/jennifersmission
Jennifer says
Thank you so very much Laura!
Laura says
Hi Jennifer-
I saw on facebook thru mutual blogging friends about your news. Wishing you all the best with the new donation. Lots of love to you and your family.