Guess what? it snowed….and the kids do not have school. Again.
However, I did keep my long awaited manicure and pedicure this morning, and as you can tell from the photo, flip-flops are not the optimal snowy weather footwear choice.
You may have noticed ‘pee’ in the title. That is in reference to what Cheddar was covered in on his way home from the vet for his check-up. I guess he was traumatized. He was further traumatized when I gave him his first bubbles-in-the-bathtub-bath.
Oh and guess what else is going on? I begin a new job on Monday! I have spent the past year working on two different contracts that gave me the experience that I needed to hired by a great company.
The most exciting part to me is that I will be working on Oncology (aka Cancer) studies again!
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